Due to the reduction in the number of Priests serving the Parish there will be some fluctuation in the number of Masses possible in our Parish particularly during the Holiday time. A Priest is permitted to celebrate three Masses on a Sunday. At present the Priest has four scheduled Masses on Sunday 8.30am, 10am (Johnstown), [...]
Churches Notices
Update on Parish Survey
The new Parish Pastoral Council wish to thank everybody who participated in the recent Parish survey at the weekend Masses. They are a sign of great hope for increase lay participation working with the Priests to build the Church for the future. There was a very generous response and it will take the Parish Council [...]
The Logo for the Dublin Archdiocese Synodal Path is inspired by the phrase ‘we are all in the same boat’. The Lighthouse represents the guiding light of the Holy Spirit who guides us on our way The Boat represents the Church, the People of God journeying together. The Water represents the waters of baptism and [...]
In November we remember …..
Ní imithe uainn atá siad, ach imithe romhainn. They are not gone from us, but gone before us. November is a time for remembering and praying for our loved ones who have gone before us and whose loss we feel. The Annual November Remembrance Mass takes place here in the Church of Sts. Mary & [...]